Last updated on 19 May 2016
0–9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
[Currently no new or revised entries]
aksi borak (quotation added on 14 November 2015)
bo chap (quotation added on 14 November 2015)
buay tahan (quotation added on 14 November 2015)
chin chow (definition revised and quotation added on 20 February 2016)
diao he (quotation added on 26 February 2014)
eh (quotation added on 11 April 2013)
fa cai (quotation added on 26 February 2014)
gan shui (quotation added on 17 November 2015)
half past six (quotation added on 28 April 2015)
Indian rojak (quotation added on 17 May 2013)
jaga (quotation added on 15 November 2013)
kaypoh (quotation added on 19 May 2016)
leceh (quotation added on 14 November 2015)
lontong (quotation added on 14 November 2015)
mee soto (quotation added on 14 November 2015)
nam yu (definition revised and quotation added on 30 March 2013)
or jian (quotation added on 9 December 2013)
paiseh (quotation added on 14 November 2015)
[Currently no new or revised entries]
roti canai (quotation added on 9 December 2013)
Singlish (quotation added on 14 November 2015)
soto ayam (quotation added on 14 November 2015)
sugee (quotation added on 14 November 2015)
tau cheoh (quotation added on 28 April 2015)
tau kwa (quotation added on 28 April 2015)
uncle (quotations added on 30 March 2009)
[Currently no new or revised entries]
wantan noodles (added on 19 May 2016)
[Currently no new or revised entries]
yeh yeh (quotation added on 16 April 2012)
zero point (quotation added on 16 April 2012)
Updated on 4 September 2006
all over the shop — deleted as not unique to Singlish or Singapore English: appears in quotations dating from 1874 in the Oxford English Dictionary.
bang — deleted as not unique to Singlish or Singapore English: appears in Eric Partridge’s A Dictionary of Slang and Unconventional English (1937).
fugly — deleted as not unique to Singlish or Singapore English: appears in the Online Slang Dictionary (entry submitted 1998).
ganja — appears in quotations dating from 1800 in the Oxford English Dictionary.
sign on — deleted as not unique to Singlish or Singapore English: appears in 1955 and 1981 quotations in the Oxford English Dictionary.
skive — deleted as not unique to Singlish or Singapore English: appears in quotations dating from 1919 in the Oxford English Dictionary.
stinge — deleted as not unique to Singlish or Singapore English: appears in quotations dating from 1914 in the Oxford English Dictionary.
tempeh — not unique to Singlish or Singapore English: appears in quotations dating from 1966 in the Oxford English Dictionary.
wallop — deleted as not unique to Singlish or Singapore English: appears in quotations dating from 1892 in the Oxford English Dictionary.