
[1] Comprehensive Evaluation of Association Measures for Fault Localization (2010)

The experiment includes datasets and application to calculate and rank suspiciouness score of 20 association measures, as well as Tarantula and Ochiai. In the following dataset and application link, we provide the instrumented versions of Siemen Dataset in block level, along with the block information for each versions, a file containing location of bug for each versions, and the execution traces for all test cases for every buggy versions (we called this as profile file). These profile files can be re-generated from the instrumented versions that will record the execution traces of the buggy version for a given test case.
The application to calculate and rank the suspiciousness scores is also included in this link, as well as the documentation, sampe input and output. The application was developed using Visual C# 2010. In order to obtain the input files for our application, another application might be needed to process the data into the input format.

Dataset and Application | Paper

[2] Extended Comprehensive Evaluation of Association Measures for Fault Localization

Click here to view and download datasets that we use