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Scientific Writing and Presentation Workshop

We had a scientific writing and presentation workshop after our 2nd term. The workshop was divided into two sections: scientific presentation and writing. Those two sections took 2 ½ days each. The instructor for the workshop was Jean-Luc Lebrun. He is the author of Scientific Writing: A Reader and Writer's Guide book and two well-maintained web sites: http://www.scientific-writing.com and http://scientific-presentations.com . The workshop was started with scientific presentation and followed by scientific writing. The workshop was quite tough, but it was a good one. In this 2 ½ days workshop, we were taught how to present our research clearly, well-organize, convincing, concise and yet interesting, aside from presenting, we also practiced how to handle tricky questions and audiences during QA session. In the end of the workshop, we had to present our research for about 7 to 8 minutes followed by 5 minutes QA and it was recorded on DVD, which is given to each of us.

After scientific presentation workshop, we continued with scientific writing. This part of the workshop made me realize how important it is to make a good and attractive title, abstract, introduction and conclusion. Before I attended the workshop, I didn’t give too much attention to these things, but this workshop made me understand how important it was. During the workshop, we were forced to review our own writing and modified it with some tips and tricks given by Jean-Luc in the workshop. Jean-Luc also gave us an assignment in the end of the workshop. We had to modify our paper introduction and he would reviewed it and sent us feedback.

Even though the workshop quite tough, I thought we had fun and we surely learn a lot from this workshop. Jean-Luc was a good instructor, he was funny and able to make us understand what is the importance’s to make a good scientific presentation and writing. And here is the photograph that we took in the end of the scientific presentation workshop.

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  School of Information System
  Singapore Management
  80 Stamford Road
  Singapore 178902
