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Night Festival 2009

Night festival is yearly event in Singapore held around Singapore National Museum, Singapore Art Museum, The Peranakan Museum, The Substation, National Museum of Singapore Stamford Green & Stamford Road and our very own campus, Singapore Management University Campus Green. The festival was set on Friday and Saturday (10 and 11 July) presenting theatrical performances with live music and dance. During the festival, the entrance for entire above museum was free.

The main program that caught most people attention was the Germany act “the Loop of Fortune”. The Loop of fortune basically was a theatrical performance with one giant mechanical wheel that had three people going round and round with fireworks effects played on the background. Those performances made a fascinating bright light and if you were in the right spot (fortunately, I had a good enough spot on SIS SMU level 2), you could see the wonderful fireworks bright up the Singapore downtown. After that, the festival was continued with music and dance by local performers in SMU Green Campus (Bersama Hijau). In the green field just outside SIS. Most people said the performance on Friday was much better then on Saturday because of the raining in Saturday.

But again, the concept of Night Festival is just sounded terrific and I’m looking forward to see it again next year.

Loop of Fortune (because we cannot get a good picture, I took this picture from www.nationalmuseum.sg)

Performance in Bersama Hijau

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  School of Information System
  Singapore Management
  80 Stamford Road
  Singapore 178902
