KOH Noi Sian

School of Information Systems,
Singapore Management University
Email: noisian.koh.2006 at smu.edu.sg
CV & Research Statement


Welcome to my homepage (^_^)

I have recently completed my PhD in Information Systems at the Singapore Management University (SMU), School of Information Systems.


Research Interests:

  • Application of sentiment mining on large scale online review dataset
  • Economic analysis of social media and user-generated content
  • Data mining of online user behavior
  • Bloggers Sentiments on Governance and Leadership


  • PhD in Information Systems, Conferred on 29th July 2011
    Singapore Management University
  • Master of Information Technology (Professional), 2005
    Master of E-Business, 2004
    University of Southern Queensland
  • Bachelor of Social Sciences (Honours), 2002
    Bachelor of Arts (Economics and Political Science), 2001
    National University of Singapore

Journal Publications (Refereed) :

  • Noi Sian KOH, Nan HU, Eric K CLEMONS. Do Online Reviews Reflect a Product's True Perceived Quality? - An Investigation of Online Movie Reviews across Cultures, Invited submission to the Journal of Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 2010, 9, 5, pp.374-385 . (Funded in part by Wharton - SMU Research Centre.) [PDF]

Journal Articles (Forthcoming) :

  • Nan HU, Noi Sian KOH, Indranil BOSE, Ling LIU. Manipulations of Online Reviews: An analysis of ratings, readability and sentiments. Forthcoming in Decision Support Systems.

Conference Papers (Refereed) :

  • Noi Sian KOH, Nan HU, Eric K CLEMONS. Do Online Reviews Reflect a Product's True Perceived Quality? - An Investigation of Online Movie Reviews across Cultures. 43rd Hawaii International Conference on System Science, Jan 2010.
  • Nan HU, Ling LIU and Noi Sian KOH. An Investigation of Online Review Manipulation. Marketing Management Association Conference, MBAA, Chicago 2010.
  • Nan HU, Noi Sian KOH, and Vallabh SAMBAMURTHY. The Value Implication of Online Consumer Reviews. The 17th Annual Research Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Emerging Technologies in Accounting, Auditing and Tax, August 2008.

Conference Presentations :

  • Ratings Lead You to the Products, Reviews Help You Clinch It: The Dynamics and Impact of Online Review Sentiments on Product Sales,Ħħ with Nan HU, Noi Sian KOH, Srinivas K REDDY. Customer Insights Conference by Yale School of Management, Center for Customer Insights, May 2011.

  • The Dynamics of the Buzz: How do online reviews change over time?, with Youngsoo KIM, Nan HU and Srinvas K REDDY, Invited Special Session at the INFORMS Marketing Science, June 2010.

Selected Media Citation :

  • Miller-McCune, " Chinese Audiences Give Two Thumbs Up," 3rd of June 2010, (http://www.miller-mccune.com/culture/chinese-audiences-give-two-thumbs-up-16581/).

Invited Talk :

  • Noi Sian KOH, "Sentiment Analysis of Online Consumer Reviews," Invited Speaker at the SAS Singapore User Forum, October 2009.

Working papers :

  • Ratings Lead You To The Product, Reviews Help You Clinch It: The Dynamics and Impact of Online Review Sentiments on Product Sales, with Nan HU and Srinvas K REDDY. Under review at Management Science.
  • The Dynamics of the Buzz: How do online reviews change over time?, with Youngsoo KIM, Nan HU and Srinivas REDDY.Target Journal: Journal of Marketing.
  • An Investigation of Online Review Manipulation, with Nan HU and Ling LIU.
  • The Influence of Bloggers, with Eric CLEMONS, Robert BARRIMOND and Ying WANG.
  • Are Consumers Swayed?, with Nan HU and Vallabh SAMBAMURTHY.

Teaching Assistance :

  • Computer as an Analysis Tool, 2009-2010 at Singapore Management University.

Editorial Duties :

  • Ad hoc reviewer, Electronic Commerce Research and Applications
  • Ad hoc reviewer, PACIS
  • Ad hoc reviewer, ICIS
  • Ad hoc reviewer, HICSS
  • Ad hoc reviewer, IEEE Computer Society 2010
  • Supervised student reviewer for Information Systems Research and MIS Quarterly.

Awards, Recognition and Honours :

  • Decision Sciences Institute, Doctoral Consortium Fellow 2010.
  • SMU Research Scholarship, Singapore Management University, 2006-2010.
  • Second Upper Class Honours in Economics, National University of Singapore, 2002.
  • Certified Technologist, Australian Computer Society.

Professional Affiliations :

  • Australian Computer Society
  • Association for Information Systems
  • Decision Science Institute
  • American Marketing Association


About my dissertation committee members :

  • HU Nan, Assistant Professor of Information Systems, Committee Chair

Expert in the business impact of User Generated Content.

  • Srinivas K REDDY, Professor of Marketing and Associate Dean for LKCSB, External Committee Member

Expert in Online Auction and Bidder Behavior

  • JIANG Jing, Assistant Professor of Information Systems, Committee Member

Expert in Natural Language Processing Techniques.

  • Steven MILLER, Dean and Professor of Information Systems (Practice), Committee Member

Expert in Living Analytics for Consumer and Social Insight.


About me:

  • I am a Singaporean
  • I spent my childhood in Singapore and studied in a Catholic School for 10 years.
  • I spent 3 years in Australia. During my free time in Australia, I was a volunteer in a local non-profit organization in which I worked as a translator, a tour guide, a farmer for 3 months growing organic vegetables and corn and 8 months as an IT Specialist.
  • Diet preference: Vegetarian. \(^_^)/ Be kind to animals, go veg!
  • Things that upset me most: old people crying, homeless people in cold weather, poor families
  • Things that make me happy: meeting smiley people
  • "When life gives me lemons, I make lemonade"
  • "Journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." - Lao Tzu.
  • "Never seek comfort for ourselves, but only wish others to be free from sufferings." - Buddhist teaching