ECON6031: Panel Econometrics and Data Analysis, Term II  2023-24


·     Florian Heiss and Daniel Brunner (2020). Using Python for Introductory Econometrics (UPfIE)

·       Jeffrey M. Wooldridge (2019). Introductory Econometrics: A Modern Approach, 7th Ed.  (Woo7)

(The data set in this book can be imported into Python and will be extensively used in the class)

Reference Books

·     Badi H. Baltagi (2021). Econometric Analysis of Panel Data, 6th Ed

·     William H. Greene (2012). Econometric Analysis, 7th Ed     (Appendix A - Matrix)

Python Codes:, coming with UPfIE, the book by Florian Heiss and Daniel Brunner (2020)


Additional Data

·     Education Expenditure (1960,   1970,   1975,   Combined)

·     Car Price             Motor Inn          World Happyness      

·     Bank cost data     Gasoline data    

·     Statewide Capital Productivity data  (productivitym.csv)

·     Cigarette demand data (readme,  text file,  excel file)

·     Return to Schooling Data  (cornwell&ruppert.csv)