Admission Control for Differentiated Services in 3G Cellular Networks 
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Contact Hwee-Pink Tan [tanhp(at)tcd(dot)ie], Onno Boxma [boxma(dot)win(at)tue(dot)nl], Rudesindo Nunez [sindo(dot)cwi(at)nl] and Adriana Gabor [A(dot)F(dot)Gabor(at)tue(dot)nl]

UMTS is a Third Generation cellular network that is expected to support a large variety of applications, which are commonly grouped into two broad categories: (a) Elastic flows correspond to the transfer of digital documents (e.g., Web pages, emails, stored audio / video), and are characterized by the volume of the document to be transferred. These flows are flexible, or "elastic" towards rate fluctuations, with the total transfer time being a typical performance measure; (b) Streaming flows correspond to the real-time transfer of various signals (e.g., voice, streaming audio/video). They are characterized by their duration as well as their transmission rates. For streaming applications, stringent transmission rate requirements are necessary to ensure real-time communication.

While Markovian models have been developed for the exact analysis of the integrated-services system, they can be numerically cumbersome. Hence, a fluid modeling approach is proposed to provide close form limit results and approximations. These results can serve as performance bounds, and hence, yield useful insight. Using time-scale decomposition, we develop approximations based on a fluid modeling approach to evaluate the performance of an admission control strategy for integrated (elastic and streaming) services in a single UMTS radio cell.

Related Publications

  • O. J. Boxma, A. F. Gabor, R. Nunez-Queija and Hwee-Pink Tan. Admission Control for Differentiated Services in 3G Cellular Networks . Under review for Elsevier Journal of Performance Evaluation, June 2007.

  • Rudesindo Nunez-Queija and Hwee-Pink Tan. Location-based Admission Control for Differentiated Services in 3G cellular networks. Proc. of the 9th ACM-IEEE MSWiM, pp 322-329, October 2006.

  • Onno J. Boxma, Adriana F. Gabor, Rudesindo Nunez-Queija and Hwee-Pink Tan. Performance Analysis of Admission Control for Integrated Services with Minimum Rate Guarantees. Proc. of the 2nd conference on NGI, pp 41-47, April 2006.