Publication List
Book Chapter:
Fang-Jing Wu, Tony Luo and H. P. Tan. Case Studies of WSN-CPS applications . Enabling Cyber-Physical Systems with Wireless Sensor Networking Technologies, Edited by S. Zeadally and N. Jabeur, IET Press, November 2015.
Sanam S. Beheshtiha, H. P. Tan and M. Sabaei. OR-AHaD: An Opportunistic Routing Algorithm for Energy Harvesting WSN . Part 1, Chapter 2, Internet of Things and M2M Communications, Edited by Fabrice Theoleyre and Ai-Chun Pang, River Publishers, May 2013.
Winston K. G. Seah, Hwee-Pink Tan and Pius W. Q. Lee. Multipath Virtual Sink Architecture for Underwater Sensor Networks . Chapter 4, Underwater Acoustic Sensor Networks, Edited by Yang Xiao, Auerbach Publications, Taylor and Francis, CRC Press, May 2010.
Journal Proceedings:
T. Luo, S. K. Das, H. P. Tan and L. Xia. Incentive Mechanism Design for Crowdsourcing: An all-pay auction approach. ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology, Vol 7, Issue 3, pp 35:1-26, March 2016.
M. Alsheikh, S. Lin, D. Niyato and H. P. Tan. Rate Distortion Balanced Data Compression in Wireless Sensor Networks. Accepted for publication at IEEE Sensors Journal, Mar 2016.
M. Alsheikh, D. Niyato, S. Lin, H. P. Tan and Z. Han. Mobile Big Data Analytics Using Deep Learning and Apache Spark. Accepted for publication at IEEE Network Magazine: Special Issue on Mobile Big Data, Feb 2016.
X. Che, S. Maag, H. X. Tan, H. P. Tan and Z. Zhou. A Passive Testing Approach for Protocols in Wireless Sensor Networks. Sensors, November 2015.
P. Zhang, I. Nevat, G. Peters, G. Xiao and H. P. Tan. Event Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks in Random Spatial Sensors Deployment. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Vol 63, No. 22, pp 6122-6135, November 2015.
T. Luo, S. Kanhere, S. K. Das and H. P. Tan. Incentive Mechanism Design for Heterogeneous Crowdsourcing using All-Pay Contests. Accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, September 2015.
M. Y. H. A. Alsheikh, D. T. Hoang, D. Niyato, S. Lin and Hwee-Pink Tan. Markov Decision Processes with applications in wireless sensor networks. IEEE Communications, Surveys and Tutorials, Vol 17, No 3, pp 1239-1267, April 2015.
D. Niyato, P. Wang, Hwee-Pink Tan, S. Walid and D. I Kim. Cooperation in Delay Tolerant Networks with Wireless Energy Transfer: Performance Analysis and Optimization. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Vol 64, No 8, pp 3740-3754, September 2014.
Alvin Valera, Wee-Seng Soh and Hwee-Pink Tan. Survey on Wakeup Scheduling for Environmentally-Powered Wireless Sensor Networks. Elsevier Journal of Computer Communications, Vol 52, pp 21-36, October 2014.
B. Dezfouli, M. Radi, K. Whitehouse, S. A. Razak, K. A. Bakar and Hwee-Pink Tan. CAMA: Efficient Modeling of the Capture Effect for Low Power Wireless Networks. ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks, Vol 11, Issue 1, August 2014.
Mohammad Y. H. A. Alsheikh, Shaowei Lin, Dusit Niyato and Hwee-Pink Tan. Machine Learning in Wireless Sensor Networks: Algorithms, Strategies and Applications. Accepted for publication in IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, April 2014.
B. Dezfouli, M. Radi, S. A. Razak, K. Whitehouse, K. A. Bakar and Hwee-Pink Tan. Improving broadcast reliability for neighbor discovery, link estimation and collection tree construction in wireless sensor networks. Elsevier Journal of Computer Networks, vol 62, pp 101-121, April 2014.
Roee Diamant, Hwee-Pink Tan and L. Lampe. LOS and NLOS Classification for Underwater Acoustic Localization. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, vol 13, No 2, pp 311-323, February 2014.
N. de Battista, J. M. W. Brownjohn, Hwee-Pink Tan and K. K. Young. Measuring and modeling the thermal performance of the Tamar Suspension Bridge using a wireless sensor network. Accepted for publication in Structure and Infrastructure Engineering Journal, October 2013.
Bin Cao, Yu Ge, Chee Wee Kim, Gang Feng, Hwee Pink Tan and Yun Li. An Experimental Study for Inter-User Interference Mitigation in Wireless Body Sensor Networks. IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol 13, No 10, October 2013.
Pengfei Zhang, Gaoxi Xiao and Hwee-Pink Tan. Clustering Algorithms for Maximizing the Lifetime of Wireless Sensor Networks with Energy-Harvesting Sensors. Elsevier Journal of Computer Networks, vol 57, No 4, pp 2689-2704, October 2013.
Alvin C Valera, Wee-Seng Soh and Hwee-Pink Tan. Energy-Neutral Scheduling and Forwarding in Environmentally-Powered Wireless Sensor Networks. Elsevier Journal of Ad Hoc Networks, vol 11, No 3, pp 1202-1220, May 2013.
Tie Luo, Hwee-Pink Tan and Tony Q. S. Quek. Sensor OpenFlow: Enabling Software-Defined Wireless Sensor Networks. IEEE Communications Letters, vol 16, No 11, pp 1896-1899, November 2012.
Hwee-Pink Tan, Roee Diamant, Winston K. G. Seah and Marc Waldmeyer. A Survey of Techniques and Challenges in Underwater Localization. Elsevier Journal of Ocean Engineering, vol 38, Issues 14-15, pp 1663-1676, October 2011.
Zhi Ang Eu, Hwee-Pink Tan and Winston K. G. Seah. Design and Performance Analysis of MAC Schemes for Wireless Sensor Networks Powered by Ambient Energy Harvesting. Elsevier Journal of Ad Hoc Networks, vol. 9, No. 3, pp 300-323, May 2011.
Zhi Ang Eu, Hwee-Pink Tan and Winston K. G. Seah. Opportunistic Routing for Wireless Sensor Networks Powered by Ambient Energy Harvesting. Elsevier Journal of Computer Networks, vol. 54, No. 17, pp 2943-2966, December 2010.
Pius W. Q. Lee, Winston K. G. Seah, Hwee-Pink Tan and Zexi Yao. Wireless Sensing without Sensors – An Experimental Study of Motion/Intrusion Detection using RF Irregularity. ”, IoP Journal of Measurement Science and Technology, vol 21, No 12, October 2010.
Raphael Rom and Hwee-Pink Tan. Analysis of Performance Trade-offs for an Adaptive Channel-aware Wireless Scheduler. Springer Wireless Network Journal, vol 15, No 7, pp 931-943, October 2009.
Hwee-Pink Tan, R. Nunez-Queija, Adriana F. Gabor and Onno J. Boxma. Admission Control for Differentiated Services in Future Generation CDMA Networks . Elsevier Journal of Performance Evaluation, vol 66, No 9-10, pp 488-504, September 2009.
Raphael Rom and Moshe Sidi and Hwee-Pink Tan. Design and Analysis of a Class-aware Recursive Loop Scheduler for Class-based Scheduling. Elsevier Journal of Performance Evaluation, vol 63, No 9-10, pp 839-863, October 2006.
Raphael Rom and Hwee-Pink Tan. Stochastic Analysis and Performance Evaluation of Wireless Schedulers. Wiley Journal of Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Special Issue: Performance Evaluation of Wireless Networks, vol 4, No 1, pp 19-41, February 2004.
International Conference Proceedings:
Huiguang Liang, Hyong Kim, Wai-Leong Yeow and H. P. Tan. Where am I? Characterizing and Improving the Localization Performance of Off-The-Shelf Mobile Devices through Cooperation. Accepted for publication at IEEE/IFIP NOMS 2016, April 2016 .
Huiguang Liang, Hyong Kim, Wai-Leong Yeow and H. P. Tan. Not You Too? Distilling Local Contexts of Poor Cellular Network Performance through Participatory Sensing. Accepted for publication at IEEE/IFIP NOMS 2016, April 2016 .
N. Liu, S. Purao and H. P. Tan. Value-Inspired Service Design in Elderly Home-Monitoring Systems. Accepted for publication at IEEE Percom Workshops, Mar 2016.
X. Toh, H. X. Tan, H. Liang and H. P. Tan. Elderly Medication Adherence Monitoring with the Internet of Things. Accepted for publication at IEEE Percom Workshops, Mar 2016.
A. C. Valera, H. P. Tan and L. Bai. Improving the Sensitivity of Unobtrusive Inactivity Detection in Sensor-Enabled Homes for the Elderly. Accepted for publication at IEEE Percom Workshops, Mar 2016.
L. Bai, A. Gavino, P. Lee, J. Kim, N. Liu, H. P. Tan, H. X. Tan, L. B. Tan, X. Toh, A. Valera, E. Yu, A. Wu and M. Fox. SHINESeniors: Personalized Services for Active Ageing-in-Place. Proc. of the IEEE Smart Cities Conference, October 2015.
M. A. Alsheikh, S. Lin, H. P. Tan and D. Niyato. Towards a Robust Sparse Data Representation in Wireless Sensor Networks. Accepted for publication at the IEEE LCN, October 2015.
H. X. Tan and H. P. Tan. Massive Open Online Networks for Urban Sensing: Design, Deployment and Challengese. Accepted for publication at the IEEE APWCS, August 2015.
X. Che, S. Maag, H. X. Tan and H. P. Tan. Passively Testing Routing Protocols in Wireless Sensor Networks. Accepted for publication at the UIC 2015, August 2015.
P. Zhang, H. P. Tan, G. Xiao and Y. Yu. Maximizing Lifetime in Clustered WSNs with Energy Harvesting Relay: Profiling and Modeling. Accepted for publication at the IEEE ISSNIP, April 2015.
T. Luo, S. Kanhere, H. P. Tan F. Wu and H. Wu. Crowdsourcing with Tullock Contests: A New Perspective. Proc. of the IEEE Infocom, pp 2515-2523, April 2015.
Y. Jin and H. P. Tan. UNISENSE: A Unified and Sustainable Sensing and Transport Architecture for Large Scale and Heterogeneous Sensor Networks. Proc. of the CSD&M Asia, pp 15-26, December 2014.
H. Liang, H. Kim, W. L. Yeow and H. P. Tan. I heard you have problems: Cellular signal monitoring through UE participatory sensing. Proc. of the IEEE Globecom, pp 2205-2211, December 2014.
P. Zhang, G. Peters, I. Nevat, G. Xiao and H. P. Tan. Distributed Event Detection in Sensor Networks under Random Spatial Deployment. Proc. of the IEEE Milcom 2014, October 2014.
T. Luo, S. Kanhere, S. Das and H. P. Tan. Optimal Prizes for All-Pay Contests in Heterogeneous Crowdsourcing. Proc. of the IEEE MASS, October 2014.
M. A. Alsheikh, P. K. Poh, S. Lin, H. P. Tan and D. Niyato. Efficient Data Compression with Error Bound Guarantee in Wireless Sensor Networks. Proc. of the ACM MSWiM, pp. 307-311, September 2014.
T. Luo, S. Kanhere and H. P. Tan. SEW-ing a Simple Endorsement Web to incentivize trustworthy participatory sensing. Proc. of the IEEE SECON, June 2014.
Y. Jin and H. P. Tan. Optimal Performance Trade-offs in MAC for Wireless Sensor Networks Powered by Heterogeneous Ambient Energy Harvesting. Proc. of the IFIP Networking, June 2014.
T. Luo, H. P. Tan and L. Xia. Profit Maximizing Incentive for Participatory Sensing. Proc. of the IEEE Infocom, pp. 127-135, April 2014.
D. Niyato, P. Wang, W. L. Yeow and H. P. Tan. QoS-Aware Data Transmission and Wireless Energy Transfer: Performance Modeling and Optimization. Proc. of the IEEE WCNC, April 2014.
S. Liang, Y. Ge, S. Jiang and H. P. Tan. A Lightweight and Robust Interference mitigation scheme for Wireless Body Sensor Networks in Realistic Environments. Proc. of the IEEE WCNC, April 2014.
N. de Battista, J. M. W. Brownjohn, J. A. Rice, S. H. Sim and H. P. Tan. Wireless Structural Monitoring of a Multi-Span Footbridge with Decentralized Embedded Data Processing. Accepted for publication at International Conference on SHM of Intelligent Infrastructure, December 2013.
N. de Battista, J. A. Rice, S. H. Sim, J. M. W. Brownjohn and H. P. Tan. Embedded Data Processing in Wireless Sensor Networks for Structural Health Monitoring. Accepted for publication at IWSHM, September 2013.
N. de Battista, J. A. Rice, S. H. Sim, J. M. W. Brownjohn and H. P. Tan. Structural Health Monitoring of Civil Infrastructure using Wireless Sensor Networks. Accepted for publication at SECED Young Engineers Conference, July 2013.
B. Cao, Ge Yu, C. W. Kim, G. Feng and H. P. Tan. Investigating the Impact of Inter-User Interference in Wireless Body Sensor Networks. Proc. of the IEEE ICC 2013, pp. 1753-1757, June 2013.
T. Fujihashi, H. H. Ng, Z. Pan, S. Saruwatari, H. P. Tan and T. Watanabe. A Preliminary Study on Multi-View Video Streaming over Underwater Acoustic Networks. Proc. of the IEEE Underwater Technology Symposium, March 2013.
Pengfei Zhang, Gaoxi Xiao and H. P. Tan. Distributed Relay Scheduling for Maximizing Lifetime in Clustered Wireless Sensor Networks. Proc. of the IEEE ICCS, Singapore, pp 11-15, November 2012.
Tie Luo, H. P. Tan, Philip Quan, Y. W. Law and J. Jin. Enhancing Responsiveness and Scalability for OpenFlow Networks via Control Message Quenching. Proc. of the ICTC, pp 348-353, October 2012 (Best Paper Award).
Sanam S. Beheshtiha, H. P. Tan and M. Sabaei. Opportunistic Routing with Adaptive Harvesting-aware Duty Cycling in Energy Harvesting WSN. Proc. of the WPMC, pp 90-94, September 2012 [Invited].
H. G. Liang, H. Kim, W. L. Yeow and H. P. Tan. So near, and yet so far: Managing 'Far-away' Interferers in Dense Femto-cell Networks. Proc. of the IEEE Globecom, pp 5110-5115, December 2012.
A. C. Valera and H. P. Tan. Analysis of Hello-Based Link Failure Detection in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks. Proc. of the IEEE PIMRC 2012, pp 669-674, September 2012.
H. P. Tan, Xiaoping Ma, Roee Diamant and A. C. Valera. A Robust Underwater Networking Stack for Sensing Applications in Singapore Waters. 3rd International Waterside Security Conference (WSS), May 2012 [Invited].
Z. A. Eu and Hwee-Pink Tan. Adaptive Opportunistic Routing Protocol for Multi-hop Energy Harvesting Wireless Sensor Networks. Proc. of the IEEE ICC, pp 318-322, June 2012.
Z. A. Eu and Hwee-Pink Tan. Probabilistic Polling for Multi-hop Energy Harvesting Wireless Sensor Networks. Proc. of the IEEE ICC, pp 271-275, June 2012.
Pius W. Q. Lee, Hwee-Pink Tan and M. D. Han. An Environmentally-Powered Wireless Parking Guidance System for Open Car Parks. Proc. of 9th ACM Sensys, pp 423-424, November 2011.
Pengfei Zhang, Gaoxi Xiao and Hwee-Pink Tan. A Preliminary Study on Lifetime Maximization in Clustered Wireless Sensor Networks with Energy Harvesting Nodes . Proc. of IEEE ICICS ’11, Singapore, December 2011 [Invited].
H. Zhuang, A. C. Valera, Z. A. Eu, Pius W. Q. Lee and Hwee-Pink Tan. Opportunistic XOR Network Coding for Multihop Data Delivery in Underwater Acoustic Networks. Proc. of IEEE Oceans ’11, IEEE Santander, June 2011.
Fu-Yun Tsuo, Hwee-Pink Tan, Yong Huat Chew and H. Y. Wei. Energy-Aware Transmission Control for Wireless Sensor Networks Powered by Ambient Energy Harvesting: A Game-Theoretic Approach. Proc. of IEEE ICC, June 2011.
Zhi Ang Eu, Pius W. Q. Lee and Hwee-Pink Tan. Classification of Packet Transmission Outcomes in Wireless Sensor Networks. Prof. of IEEE ICC, June 2011.
Pius W. Q. Lee, Zhi Ang Eu, Mingding Han and Hwee-Pink Tan. Empirical Modeling of a Solar-Powered Energy Harvesting Wireless Sensor Node for Time-Slotted Operation. Proc. of IEEE WCNC, pp 179-184, March 2011.
Jong-Pil Kim, Hwee-Pink Tan and Ho-Shin Cho. Impact of MAC on Localization in Large Scale Seabed Sensor Networks. Proc. of IEEE AINA, pp 391-396, March 2011.
Pius W. Q. Lee, Mingding Han, Hwee-Pink Tan and Alvin Valera. An Empirical Study of Harvesting-aware Duty Cycling in Sustainable Wireless Sensor Networks. Proc. of IEEE ICCS (Invited Paper), November 2010.
Haojie Zhuang, Zijian Bai, Alvin Valera, Hwee-Pink Tan and Mandar Chitre. A Robust Multihop Underwater Network for Sensing Applications – Implementation and Experimental Evaluation. Proc. of IEEE ICCS (Invited Paper), November 2010.
Roee Diamant, Hwee-Pink Tan and Lutz Lampe. NLOS Identification Using a Hybrid ToA-Signal Strength Algorithm for Underwater Acoustic Localization. Proc. of OCEANS 2010 MTS/IEEE Seattle, September 2010.
Alvin Valera, Hwee-Pink Tan and Winston K. G. Seah. Improving Link Failure Detection and Response in IEEE 802.11 Wireless Ad Hoc Networks. Proc. of the IEEE PIMRC 2010, pp 1814-1819, September 2010.
Hwee-Pink Tan, Alvin Valera and Wenbin Koh. Transmission Power Control in 2-D Wireless Sensor Networks Powered by Ambient Energy Havesting. Proc. of the IEEE PIMRC 2010, pp 1671-1676, September 2010 .
Haojie Zhuang, Hwee-Pink Tan, Alvin Valera and Zijian Bai. Opportunistic ARQ with Bidirectional Overhearing for Reliable Multihop Underwater Networking. Proc. of OCEANS ’10, IEEE Sydney, May 2010.
Zhi Ang Eu, Hwee-Pink Tan and Winston K. G. Seah. Wireless Sensor Networks Powered by Ambient Energy Havesting: An Empirical Characterization. Proc. of IEEE ICC, May 2010.
Hwee-Pink Tan, Adriana F. Gabor, Zhi Ang Eu and Winston K. G. Seah. A Wide Coverage Positioning System (WPS) for Underwater Localization. Proc. of IEEE ICC, May 2010.
K. Takahashi, M. Bandai, H. P. Tan, Winston K. G. Seah and T. Watanabe. Least Impact Routing Towards Sustainable Sensor Networks Enhanced by Energy Harvesting. Proc. of ICMU (Poster), April 2010.
Alvin Valera, Hwee-Pink Tan and Xiaoping Ma. Underground Wireless Communications for Monitoring of Drag Anchor Embedment Parameters: A Feasibility Study. Proc. of the IEEE AINA, pp. 713-720, April 2010.
Hwee-Pink Tan, Zhi Ang Eu and Winston K. G. Seah. An Enhanced Underwater Positioning System to Support Deepwater Installations. Proc. of MTS/IEEE Oceans, October 2009.
Pius W. Q. Lee, Winston K. G. Seah, Hwee-Pink Tan and Zexi Yao. Wireless Sensing Without Sensors - An Experimental Approach. Proc. of IEEE PIMRC, pp 62-66, September 2009.
Winston K. G. Seah, Z. A. Eu and Hwee-Pink Tan. Wireless Sensor Networks Powered by Ambient Energy Harvesting (WSN-HEAP) – Survey and Challenges. Proc. of Wireless VITAE, May 2009 [Invited Paper].
Alvin C. Valera, Pius W. Q. Lee, Hwee-Pink Tan, H. G. Liang and Winston K. G. Seah. Implementation and Evaluation of Multihop ARQ for Reliable Communications in Underwater Acoustic Networks. Proc. of the Oceans ’09 IEEE Bremen, May 2009.
Alvin C. Valera, Pius W. Q. Lee, Hwee-Pink Tan, Winston K. G. Seah and Zhi Ang Eu. An in-situ measurement approach for IEEE 802.11 Wireless Multi-hop Networks. Proc. of the IEEE I2MTC, pp 522-525, May 2009.
Hwee-Pink Tan, Zhi-Ang Eu and Winston K. G. Seah. Impact of Power Control in Wireless Sensor Networks Powered by Ambient Energy Harvesting (WSN-HEAP) for Railroad Health Monitoring. Proc. of the IEEE AINA Workshops, pp 804-809, May 2009.
Zhi-Ang Eu, Hwee-Pink Tan and Winston K. G. Seah. Routing and Relay Node Placement in Wireless Sensor Networks Powered by Ambient Energy Harvesting. Proc. of the IEEE WCNC, pp. 2003-2008, April 2009.
Alvin Valera, Pius W. Q. Lee, Y. F. Wong, Winston K. G. Seah, Hwee-Pink Tan and H. Ju. An Experimental Study on Connectivity and Topology Control in Real Multi-hop Wireless Networks Proc. of Fourth Wireless Internet Conference (WICON), Nov 2008.
Zhi Ang Eu, Winston K. G. Seah and Hwee-Pink Tan. A Study of MAC Schemes for Wireless Sensor Networks Powered by Ambient Energy Harvesting. Proc. of Fourth Wireless Internet Conference (WICON), Nov 2008.
Hwee-Pink Tan, Colman O'Sullivan and Winston K. G. Seah. Interference Management for Medium Access Control in CDMA Underwater Acoustic Sensor Networks. Proc. of the IEEE VTC Spring, pp 2116-2120, May 2008.
Hwee-Pink Tan, Winston K. G. Seah and Linda Doyle. Exploring Cognitive Techniques for Bandwidth Management in Integrated Underwater Acoustic Systems. Proc. of the MTS/IEEE OCEANS Kobe, pp 1-7, April 2008.
Hwee-Pink Tan, Adriana F. Gabor, Winston K. G. Seah and W. Q. Pius Lee. Performance Analysis of Data Delivery Schemes for a Multi-sink Wireless Sensor Network. Proc. of the IEEE AINA, pp 418-425, March 2008 (Highly Commended Paper Award).
Joe Bater, Hwee-Pink Tan, Kenneth N Brown and Linda Doyle. Maximising Access to a Spectrum Commons using Interference Temperature Constraints. Proc. of the 2nd Crowncom, August 2007.
Joe Bater, Hwee-Pink Tan, Kenneth N Brown and Linda Doyle. Modelling Interference Temperature Constraints for Spectrum Access in Cognitive Radio Networks. Proc. of the IEEE ICC, pp 6493-6498, June 2007.
Hwee-Pink Tan, Winston K. G. Seah and Linda Doyle. A Multi-hop ARQ Protocol for an Underwater Acoustic Channel. Proc. of the IEEE OCEANS Europe, pp 1-6, June 2007.
Hwee-Pink Tan, Colman O'Sullivan and Linda Doyle. FSMA - A Topology-Transparent Scheme for Opportunistic Spectrum Access. Proc. of the 65th IEEE VTC Spring, pp 2890-2894, April 2007.
Rudesindo Nunez-Queija and Hwee-Pink Tan. Location-based Admission Control for Differentiated Services in 3G cellular networks. Proc. of the 9th ACM-IEEE MSWiM, pp 322-329, October 2006.
M. Mamun, M. Rahman and Hwee-Pink Tan. Performance Evaluation of TCP over Routing Protocols for Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks. Proc. of 1st Chinacom, October 2006 .
Winston K.G. Seah and Hwee-Pink Tan. Multipath Virtual Sink Architecture for Wireless Sensor Networks in Harsh Environments. Proc. of the ACM first international conference on Integrated internet ad hoc and sensor networks (Intersense), Vol 138, May 2006 [Invited Paper] .
Daniele Miorandi, Hwee-Pink Tan and Michele Zorzi. Ad Hoc Networks with Topology-Transparent Scheduling Schemes: Scaling Laws and Capacity / Delay Tradeoffs. Proc. of the 4th IEEE WiOpt, April 2006.
Onno J. Boxma, Adriana F. Gabor, Rudesindo Nunez-Queija and Hwee-Pink Tan. Performance Analysis of Admission Control for Integrated Services with Minimum Rate Guarantees. Proc. of the 2nd conference on NGI, pp 41-47, April 2006.
Hwee-Pink Tan. Performance Analysis of Wireless Scheduling with ARQ over Fast Fading Channels. LNCS 3552, pp 353-355, (13th International Workshop on Quality of Service (IWQoS)), June 2005.
Raphael Rom and Hwee-Pink Tan. Analysis of Trade-offs between Buffer and QoS Requirement in Wireless Networks. Proc. of the 16th ITC Specialist Seminar on Performance Evaluation of Wireless and Mobile Systems, pp. 65-76, August 2004.
Raphael Rom, Moshe Sidi and Hwee-Pink Tan. Performance Analysis of a Recursive Cyclic Scheduler for Class-based Scheduling. Proc. of the 16th ITC Specialist Seminar on Performance Evaluation of Wireless and Mobile Systems, pp. 43-54, August 2004.
Raphael Rom and Hwee-Pink Tan. Framework for Delay Analysis of Wireless Schedulers. Proc. of the IEEE IPCCC, pp 153-157, April 2004.
Raphael Rom and Hwee-Pink Tan. Performance Tradeoffs in Wireless Scheduling with Flow Aggregation. Proc. of the IEEE WCNC, vol 3, pp 1633-1638, March 2003.
Hwee-Pink Tan, A. Lo and W. Seah. Performance Evaluation of TCP/IP over EDGE. To appear in Proc. of the Tenth International Conference on Computing and Information, Kuwait, Nov 2000.
Hwee-Pink Tan and U. Ramanathan. Intelligent selection of useful features for optimal feature-based classification. Proc. of the IEEE IGARSS, pp 3012-3014, July 2000
Hwee-Pink Tan and U. Ramanathan. Extraction of Height Information from target shadow for applications in ATC . Proc. of the IEEE IGARSS, pp 351-353, July 1999
Technical Reports:
O. J. Boxma, A. F. Gabor, R. Nunez-Queija and Hwee-Pink Tan. Integration of Streaming and Elastic Traffic in a Single UMTS Cell: Modeling and Performance Analysis . Technical Report, EURANDOM, June 2006.
Raphael Rom and Hwee-Pink Tan. Analysis of Trade-offs between Buffer and QoS Requirement in Wireless Networks . Technical Report, Technion EE publication CCIT #471, Feb 2004.
Raphael Rom, Moshe Sidi and Hwee-Pink Tan. Performance Analysis of a Recursive Cyclic Scheduler for Class-based Scheduling . Technical Report, Technion EE publication CCIT #470, Feb 2004.
Raphael Rom and Hwee Pink-Tan. Framework for Delay Analysis of Channel-aware Wireless Schedulers . Technical Report, Technion EE publication CCIT #423, May 2003.
Raphael Rom and Hwee Pink-Tan. Stochastic Analysis of Symmetric Two-Flow Wireless-Fair Scheduling . Technical Report, Technion EE publication CCIT #371, March 2002.
Ph.D. and M.Sc. Thesis:
Hwee-Pink Tan, Raphael Rom and Moshe Sidi. QoS Provisioning in Wireless Networks . Ph.D. Research Thesis, Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, August 2004.
Hwee-Pink Tan, Anthony Lo and Winston Seah. TCP Performance over EGPRS / EDGE . M.Sc. Research Thesis, National University of Singapore, June 2000.